A neuropsychological assessment usually involves both interview and testing.

During the interview, the neuropsychologist will asked about such things as background information, symptoms, difficulties, medical history, medications, etc.  Previous medical or specialist reports may also be important to the assessment process.  Sometimes it is also helpful for relevant others (e.g., family members) to attend for part of the interview and later for the feedback session.

The testing component of the assessment involves mostly paper-and-pencil types of tasks.  They are not “pass or fail” tests, but rather testing is done to a point of failure so that the upper limits of ability can be understood.  A number of questionnaires may also be administered.  A neuropsychological assessment can take a considerable period of time if comprehensive and accurate conclusions are to be made.  In general, several hours are often requiredReading glasses and/or hearing aids should be brought if they are required and it is important to have eaten and slept as well as possible before the assessment sessions.